How to safely swap BNB for SHILL

Contract address: 0x6c427c94293335ca8d9b12ead509398762b4d4bd

Tutorial: How to buy SHILL Token

  • Buy SHILL Token
  • USA Citizens

The fastest and easiest way to buy SHILL Token is using a Metamask (Desktop & Android) or a Trust Wallet (Android & iOS) using a DEX (Decentralized Exchange) like Pancake Swap. We recommend using the BNB (BEP20) currency to swap your SHILL tokens.

Follow the step-by-step tutorial bellow:

US Citizens might have more barriers to get BNB, but it is not impossible. For some reason, the US government limits the usage of Binance Smart Chain to its citizens. There are some advanced ways to circumvent that, but for now we will teach the safest one.

The Coinbase + method

For this method you will need a verified Coinbase account, a verified account, a Binance Smart Chain wallet and a Metamask wallet.

1. On Coinbase buy USDC

2. Send USDC to

3. Buy BNB

4. Send BNB on BEP-2 to Binance Smart Wallet

5. Convert BNB from BEP-2 to BEP-20 in Binance Smart Wallet

6. Send BNB to Metamask wallet

Now, you can follow the step-by-step tutorial bellow:

Get some BNB
Since the token is hosted on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) you will need to have BNB (cryptocurrency) in order to swap it for SHILL tokens.

The best place to get BNB is on the Binance platform itself.
Get a Metamask or Trust Wallet
Transfer your BNB to your Metamask
Swap BNB for SHILL
Use Pancake Swap, or